#FreeAssange Streetart
#FreeAssange graffiti, stickers and various types of street art have appeared all over the world, calling attention to a grave…
Discover some street art and inform us about other projects to expand the gallery.
#FreeAssange graffiti, stickers and various types of street art have appeared all over the world, calling attention to a grave…
New Banksy's artwork on the wall of a British prison draws attention to Julian's incarceration. Journalism is not a crime. During…
Artist duo Captain Borderline plan to create a large mural (10x20m) in Berlin on a complete house facade right in front…
Exposing War Crimes Should Always Be Legal. Committing And Hiding Them Should Not. This is an interactive streetart by AFK.
If you know who's artwork this is, please let us know and contribute to this research. Add information under the…
The Potential Danger of Information in the Hands of Those Who Control Erkut Terliksiz & David Shillinglaw Mural installation with…
In 2012 in tribute to Australian computer scientist, world-wide known founder, former editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks Julian Assange, Mahn Kloix made this iconic…
Anonymous streetart spotted in Valencia featuring WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
Street Art Solidarity with Julian Assange the WikiLeaks publisher – February 2020
AFK - Norwegian street-artist unveils "Persecution" next to the Westminster Magistrate's Court - The night before Julian Assange gets his…
We live in a world where the US systematically violates the rights of citizens across the globe, especially outside of…
The mural contains several signs that refers to political and social issues, like the fear used to easily control people…
During his tour in New York (Day 9) Banksy has unveiled one of his most politically charged installations to date…
Anonymous streetart spotted featuring WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.
As a result of brutal and ugly arrest and prosecution of a journalist and founder of WikiLeals Julian Assange, collective…
If you know who's artwork this is, please let us know and contribute to this research. Add information under the…
We do not forgive. We do not forget. Streetart featuring Anonymous holding poster "Free Assange" If you know who's artwork…
If you know who's artwork this is, please let us know and contribute to this research. Add information under the…
If you know who's artwork this is, please let us know and contribute to this research. Add information under the…
If you have more information about Julian Assange Street project, please let us know.
SAK'en - Spontaneous art and activist group from Norway made a stencil in support of Julian Assange ahead of court…
The best thing about stickers is how they can get into the sub-conscience of society while being cheap enough to be…
Where is the freedom of speech? Free Julian Assange! Crisp Wikileaks mural, Ave Caracas, Chapinero, Bogota, Colombia, 2013!
Graffiti can bring to attention suppression of free press and free expression. Particularly in this dark period of time when we…