We Are Millions - Book

First they came for Assange ...
but they found millions united in international solidarity to defend press freedom.

Unhappy is the world that needs heroes. Not to say those who are risking their lives - from frontline workers to frontline publishers - shouldn't be called "heroes". They are, indeed, the true heroes of our contemporary dystopia. But rather than waiting for someone to save us or calling those who suffer instead of us "heroes", we should be committed to creating a society in which we wouldn't need heroes.
This book is part of the Courage Foundation’s #WeAreMillions, an arts project demonstrating the global support for WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange as he fights extradition to the United States. The Trump Administration wants to prosecute Assange for publishing U.S. government documents in 2010 that exposed war crimes, previously uncounted civilian casualties, and human rights abuses. If the prosecution is successful he will spend the rest of his life in prison.
#WeAreMillions features striking black and white images of supporters holding signs that express simply and clearly why they are standing up for Assange. The supporters are young and old, well-known and anonymous, and from all around the world.
In presenting these images, both in this book and in the exhibition that accompanies it, the creators aim to convey the breadth of recognition that Assange’s persecution represents a threat to journalistic freedom and whistle-blowing everywhere.
You can find out more about #We Are Millions at wearemillions.org
Proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to The Courage Foundation

Julian Assange shouldn’t be the subject of a grand jury hearing, he should be given a medal. He’s contributing to democracy.

We Are Millions is using an art platform to promote the right to know, to defend press freedom and to stand up for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
This participative art piece and exhibition is based on three main concepts:
Visual language is defined to emphasize individual portraits and their facial expressions while displaying cross-border solidarity. As these photographs are collected worldwide and contributed with very diverse lights, colors and production quality, we decided to limit them to Black & White, to help make them recognizable while also bringing a visual unity.
We Are Millions displays a diverse multitude of people. In this piece, ordinary folk and very prominent cultural, artistic and political figures are mixed together through portraits of themselves. They are all holding a sign displaying their opinion on different aspects of the political persecution of Julian Assange. This expresses the synergy of people, old and young, known and less known, standing against great and brutal power structures that for about a decade have been killing a courageous journalist in slow motion.
We Are Millions illuminates through action something that dominant media corporations have been trying to conceal over the years. By exposing this multitude of portraits in public space, our intention is to show the support of courageous individuals to the causes defended by Assange, beyond the attacks against his persona. It is for this reason we are somehow transgressive – as the exhibitions are not always authorized – as a way to represent through our public expression and disobedience showing a form of resistance to a dominant discourse. "Courage is contagious" and We Are Millions aims to engage everyone to become part of the courageous efforts of those who fight for truth.

Julian Assange is a publisher for truth. He’s done great work on behalf of mankind despite his inhumane treatment. This case is crucial to the survival of our right to know and our essential freedom against USA and UK oppression -- and now tyranny!
Initial support for the We Are Millions campaign and photos came from DiEM25 – Democracy in Europe Movement 2025. DiEM25 is a transnational movement of democrats which aims to bring to light the absence of democracy across Europe and offer concrete proposals on how to make Europe a place worth living in for all Europeans.
The Courage Foundation is an international organization that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record. It fundraises for the legal and public defense of specific individuals who fit these criteria and are subject to serious prosecution or persecution. It also campaigns for the protection of truthtellers and the public’s right to know generally.
This book was printed with support of Fritt Ord. The Fritt Ord Foundation is a private non-profit foundation that seeks to promote freedom of expression, public debate, art and culture.