The Whistleblowers 2.0

This rousing whistle along track – “From North and South / We come from East and West / Breathing as one / Living in fame / Or dying in flame” alludes to the heroism of the new, ‘digital’ Prometheans of freedom – Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange.
We rise, we grow
We walk and we stand tall
We never fall
As big as the sky
As far as the dawn
We walk
And we do not fall
We sleep, we dream
With no time in between
We never stop
Whistling our chant
In the heat of the night
We sing
The spirit is clean
From north and south
We come from east and west
Breathing as one
Living in fame
Or dying in flame
We laugh
Our mission is blessed
We fight for you
For freedom unforeseen
Thinking as one
Rolling along
To the beat of the drum
We march
The black cross machine
We stand alone
But soon the day will come
When freedom rings
We'll meet again
Now eternally
And walk
Once more as one!
The Whistleblowers video: Directed by Morten Traavik
Assange, Snowden & Manning portraits edited by Matjaz Komel
DOP: Valdis Celmins
1AC: Janis Jurkovskis
2 AC: Miks Ramans
Art director: Kristaps Epners
Costume designer: Jurate Silakaktina
Make-up artist: Viktorija Safronova
Gaffer: Juris Zemitis
Line producer: Agne Skane
Editor: Gatis Belogrudovs
VFX: Madars Upitis, Jaroslavs Kreilis
SFX: Janis Kreituss
Colourist & online editor: Kriss Rozins
Sound: Artis Dukalskis
Produced by VFS Films and Traavik.Info
Technical support SDG Lighting and BBRental"