The Unusual Suspects

We live in a world where the US systematically violates the rights of citizens across the globe, especially outside of the US where even leaders of their allies are subject to wire-tapping.
We live in a world where the US scares their allies into breaking international law in a desperate attempt to retaliate against whistleblowers. They even do this to the point where they are willing to force their allies into landing an airplane carrying the Head of State of a sovereign country, just to search the plane in case it carries the most important whistleblower in modern time. (It did not of course)

We live in a world where a soldier warning the world of the american army torturing prisoners of war in medieval fashion are not applauded, but rather thrown in jail for supposedly violating the espionage act, an antique law from 1917.
We live in a world where an activist fighting against the US government’s attempt at illegal surveillance of it`s own citizens, and succeeding, is bullied into suicide.
We live in a world where the US can persuade a so called neutral country into constructing a fake crime against a whistleblower in order to shut him down.
We live in a world where Barack Obama, the so called hope for change, used the espionage act more actively than all previous presidents combined in an effort to terrorize potential whistleblowers into silence.
This is a tribute to those who stand up for the rights of all against the corporate warmongering machine. Thank you!