The Future Remnants of Humanity

Partly inspired by early video-games and utilizing the 2D surface to present an isometric aerial perspective, Tony Savas reminds the viewer of the omniscient position of unbridled technological advance and inane destruction. “The future remnants of humanity (A.I. drones) are left floating aimlessly over a war-torn landscape. They are scanning for any trace of life, any movement, as they have been programmed to eliminate any further trace of it.”Tony Savas
In 2010, Tony Savas returned to his childhood hometown of Thessaloniki to experience the state of anhedonia in the aftermath of the financial crisis. In part, the realisation that the place he once grew up in was not the same anymore, pushed him further to start producing drawings. Returning to London, Tony Savas continued with online research of world events, trying to decipher factual from fictional fragments of information.
“The revelations of Julian Assange deeply affected me…
I found some meditative process in drawing, kind of like going back to that child-like mind state. I could already see everything around me had been ‘corrupted’ in a sense, and I made an attempt to reflect this feeling of impending catastrophe and failed future.”