The Extradition Trial of Julian Assange

The trial was to begin, free press was planning for a fall
The internet was quiet except for the contriving of a wall
War crimes had been exposed and the hackers tricks shut down
Any afraid without brains had already split town
Imprisoned in a glass cage, sat the Jack of Hearts
To him don’t talk or your actions will be punished, the judge said
Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin’ before he turned their heads
Then the judge turned to the prosecution and whispered with a devious grin
“Could you kindly tell me friend, when you’re ready to begin?”
Then stared into the cage appearing to face down the Jack of Hearts
Backstage reporters were betting on ‘no fair trial’ while hanging about the stairs
Free Press took the odds there was no way this trial was fair
Outside the streets were filled with protesters, closed windows couldn’t hide
Discontent was blowing, you could feel it from inside
Even in the glass cage that retained the Jack of Hearts
Uncle Sam was no one’s fool he owned the town’s political slime
He struts in thinking “why should things be any different at this time!”
With his money and his power and every hair sprayed in place
He took whatever he wanted to and he laid it all to waste
The court would cheat democracy, to beat the Jack of Hearts
Free Press had prepared extensively and took her hybrid auto into town
She slipped in inconspicuously, an underdog, no friend of the crown
Her true identity unafraid she protested in the court’s ear
Unjust they increased the charges late, but no one seemed to hear
Their reason’s clouded with revenge fired at the Jack of Hearts
“I’ll get this guy for exposing me” Sam was thinking to himself
“Thinking I, a king should answer to international law like anyone else”
Then the judge gavels, the trial began and the light of Truth did dim
And in the darkness of the room truly was only Sam and him
Sam puzzled at the light shining on the Jack of Hearts
Whitey was a princess she was experienced but portrayed a naive child
She did whatever she had to do, and hid behind it when she smiled
She had once ruled an Empire, now had lots of strange affairs
With men of warped ideologies which took her everywhere
But she’d never met anyone quite like the Jack of Hearts
Sweet talk between Whitey and Sam after being wined and dined
The contriving of the wall kept up but no court seemed to mind
It was known all around that Whitey had Sam’s ring
And nothing would ever come between Whitey and the King
No, nothin’ ever would, not even the Jack of Hearts
Free press thinking hard, seeing reality’s reflecting, backstabbing knife
Was tired of the injustice, tired of playing the roll of Sam’s wife
She had made a lot of enemies who now plotted her suicide
Was looking to secure this one civil right to turn the tide
She was gazin’ to the future, riding on the Jack of Hearts
But Whitey was exposed as free press blew Sam’s lies away
“Political extraditions? Ha! Never ever before from Big Bang to Doomsday”
And what’s this you’ve hidden with a brand new coat of paint
You can’t tell free people what to say, like you’re some kind of saint
Down the hallway footsteps were comin’ for the Jack of Hearts
Backstage press was pacing all around their designated chairs
The internet’s too quiet, publishers are afraid, I can feel it in the air
Media was nowhere so press sought the law, but the law was overridden
Seems it was a superior law had seen the wall was hidden
Only free press would cover the trial of the Jack of Hearts
Suddenly friends of democracy revealed Sam’s dirty tricks
A light burst on the scene, exposing spies and the facts did click
Sam’s close friend had ordered and paid for surveillance of the defense
The walled internet burst open and free press did print
And there would be no fair trial for the Jack of Hearts
The details of the spying incident were not open to the press
But the court heard behind closed doors and someday we’ll hear the rest
And Sam was just standing there, you couldn’t say surprised
Free press looking at him questioning in her eyes
She was suspecting of Uncle Sam and respecting of the Jack of Hearts
It wasn’t the hackers this time made it through the wall
It was concerned citizens, whistle blowing personnel led to the haul
Now in the darkness hackers, whistle blowers, publishers and journalists
Must decide whether to stand tall and defy the insatiable imperialists
And if to follow in the footsteps of the Jack of Hearts
Was the war crimes not the exposure of those crimes that harmed Sam’s Security
But ironically was free press on trial accused of impurities
When the perpetrators of the crimes never faced trial
Claiming superiority, that international law was not their style
While still using international law to frame the Jack of Hearts
Mainstream media remains mute, silent to the people’s despair
Her prejudices as obvious as the dye in Uncle Sam’s hair
They’re thinking about their own small world, the big picture they never saw
Ignoring the defiant free press and fearing the law
And trying not to think about the Jack of Hearts
This poem/song is a take on a ballad by Bob Dylan “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts” and can be sung to that tune.
Trial of the Jack of Hearts
by polysensory