
Sarah Harison

Sarah Harrison is a renowned British journalist and human rights defender. A former researcher with the London-based Centre for Investigative Journalism and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Harrison left to work at WikiLeaks during the height of its groundbreaking publication of US military and State Department documents in 2010. She is also a co-founder of the Courage Foundation.

She traveled on behalf of Courage Foundation and WikiLeaks to save Snowden.  Sarah accompanied National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden on a famous flight from Hong Kong to Moscow while he was sought by the United States government. She is interviewed in Citizenfour (2015 Academy Award), which documents Snowden and his flight from Hong Kong.

Harrison appeared as a speaker on Chaos Communication Conference and enjoys great respect from cypherpunks and crypto communities for innovating models of journalism together with Julian Assange.  Harrison received the Willy Brandt Peace Prize in 2015.
Together with Renata Avila and Angela Richter published a book "Women, Whistleblowing, WikiLeaks".