This is for Julian Assange
And every Pioneer
Who is incarcerated right now
For freedom of speech
For the truth
For all of us
For Assange!
This is for Julian Assange and every pioneer
Who fights for freedom, ignored by it
Who bleeds for the truth, in the way of beeing
discredited and tortured, incarcerated
For all the brave people who risk everything
Who speak up when the rest is silent and lose everything
For all those muzzled, forgotten fellas
Who remind us of freedom, forgotten in cells
Those who stand up for something because it’s right
Because it’s important, because without their lives are void
Rare such people, almost more like heroes
But they usually have to die before we realize how rare they are
Therefore it is important to remember them
Cause they are a ray of hope when it comes to righting injustice.
So let’s not be silent, now is the chance!
Say: Freedom for truth and Julian Assange!!
Freedom for truth and Julian Assange!
So let’s not be silent, now is the chance!
Say: Freedom for truth and Julian Assange!!
I was checking out Kenfm the other day, on easy at the side while cleaning
using the time getting informations, for sure worth seeing
And they’re talking about Wikileaks
Where they give whistle-blowers a platform to blow their whistle
As about Americans in disgusting wars
Firing at civilians from helicopters
Riddling them with bullets, reporters among them
Children among them, who did not deserve those bullets
In 2010 everything is published on Wikileaks
So Assange became a target to the Yankees
At the latest by then they want his ass
locked up forever for hacking and national treason
But which national treason?! Assange is Australian!
Who, at most, had visited the US before
And which hacking?! That shit got leaked!
By upright Americans like Snowdon, Mannings
But they don’t care!
Some even want his death, requested many times
Fortunately he’s in Sweden at the time
Out of Range, he tries to live safely
But as if?! The stress is just starting
Cause shortly after two women acusse him of sexual harassment
What a coincidence! So they lock him up
But a little later he is released again
Due to lack of evidence, doubts and again
the Yanks are raging, want him extradited
And because the Swedes won’t guarantee him not to do it
he is escaping before they arrest him
Off to England! But the pressure is still increasing
And slowly not much remains as a refuge,
So he seeks for asylum in London
at the embassy of Ecuador – What don’t you do in times of need?!
And they take him in, from zero 12 to zero 19 he doesn’t get out
7 years of being trapped in a room, that wears you down
Always in the house/ at some point you have to get out or it burns you out
And you will die there, in isolation
But Still, it’s better than what the Yankees threatened him with
But you could see it in his face, all those years of captivity
All those years, damn it! How quickly they passed
Fuck! And outside also years went by
Enough to forget those you owe truth to
And I admit I almost forgot him, too
Until that day I hear Ken Jebsen reporting
That Assang’s asylum is now invalid
Cause Ecuador’s new president is not supporting it anymore
Cause he thinks good deals are in the offing
with the Yanks if he gives him to them
Which means bad luck for Assange, cause
the Brits come get him and lock him up immediatly
And as it seems, into the worst hole
Where he’s been stuck for months, with nasty thugs
Experts and doctors, were now allowed to see him
And they report his condition is extreme
Cause he shows serious signs of torture
And if this continues for a while longer
He will die away
And if they hand him over, the Yankees will finish him
So let’s not be silent, now is the chance!
Say: freedom for truth and Julian Assange!!
This is for Julian Assange, and every pioneer
Who fights for freedom, ignored by it
Who bleeds for the truth, in the way of beeing
discredited and tortured, incarcerated
For all the brave people who risk everything
Who speak up when the rest is silent and lose everything
For all those muzzled, forgotten fellas
Who remind us of freedom, forgotten in cells
Those who stand up for something because it’s right
Because it’s important, because without their lives are void
Rare such people, almost more like heroes
But they usually have to die before we realize how rare they are
Therefore it is important to remember them
Because they are a ray of hope when it comes to righting injustice
So let’s not be silent, now is the chance!
Say: freedom for truth and Julian Assange!!
Freedom for truth and Julian Assange!
So let’s not be silent, now is the chance!
Say: freedom for truth and Julian Assange!!