
Song for Julian Assange by Michael Christopher.
Butterfly, spread your wings and fly, far away from here
Butterfly, one they'd crucify, you're their greatest fear
A loaded deck is more powerful than a loaded gun
No strength to fight and you're in their sights
Boy you'd better run, far from here
Butterfly, there's a cruelty that they can't conceal
They laugh and sneer as they take you and break you on a wheel
Because you're dangerous, and you're just like us,
And that's what scares them so
And there's a special ring reserved in hell,
That's where they're gonna go
When you hold truth to power they blacken your name
When you've won the argument they blacken your name
Point out the obvious they blacken your name
Open a window they blacken your name
Oh butterfly, have you tears to cry? Can you e'er be free?
Oh butterfly, who could justify this inhumanity?
Ain't it funny how the just expression of the law
Looks exactly like protection of the powerful?
When you hold truth to power they blacken your name
When you've won the argument they blacken your name
Point out the obvious they blacken your name
Open a window they blacken your name
Collateral Murder, they blacken your name
Confined in Belmarsh, they blacken your name
Solitary confinement, they blacken your name
“Shit-smearing rapist”, they blacken your name
This song is available for download from here: https://michael-christopher.bandcamp.com/track/butterfly-for-julian-a
It is free to listen to and download. However, if you feel inclined to make a much needed donation to the legal fund at Don't Extradite Assange
Share in whatever networks you care to.
In solidarity,